Backendisti #15 [this event will be in English]
25. června 2024
od 18:00
DOCK (recepce C), Boudníkova 2538/13,
180 00 Praha 8, Dock in Five
10 min
Backendisti #15 – Intro
40 min
Big Data Serving Methods
In this talk, I will delve into how we at Similarweb efficiently serve hundreds of digital traffic analysis metrics at terabyte scale, ensuring low latency and high concurrency. The focus will be on our use of two primary databases: DynamoDB and Firebolt. I will explain the specific scenarios in which we utilize each database, highlighting their strengths and use cases. Additionally, I will cover our data preparation techniques that optimize performance, enabling us to deliver rapid and reliable insights to our users. Join us to explore the architecture and strategies behind our big data serving methods.
Yoav Shmaria, SimilarWeb
40 min
AI throughout the software development lifecycle
This keynote will focus on the good and the bad of using AI throughout the whole development lifecycle of a small project web app, including analysis, design, development and CI/CD. We will also dive a bit deeper into how an LLM works, to ilustrate later points. The app is nothing of production scale, but it still shows many pitfalls which are why I think humans will still be the main conduit of programmigng for a few more years, and not AI. Then we'll asses what are the best use cases for AI in software engineering, along with some prompting methodologies
Daniel Dominko, Dativery
2 hod
V průběhu celé akce a hlavně po ní se můžete občerstvovat jídlem a pitím, které pro vás obstaral SimilarWeb.
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